Answers to your questions
That depends on the guidelines we have received from our client. If you contact us directly by phone, we can discuss the possible options with you.
Read the summons carefully. The writ of summons states the date on which the subdistrict court judge will hear the case. If you pay the entire claim including the costs, the court hearing can be avoided. If you don't, the lawsuit will continue. You can then appear at the hearing if you do not agree with the claim. In any case, please contact us directly by phone.
If you do not agree with the claim, it is best to contact us by telephone and indicate why you do not agree. Please make sure you have any receipts to hand so we can go over them with you.
This depends on a number of factors. Has the eviction been granted by the subdistrict court? Does the client still allow a payment arrangement? Is there any nuisance? Please contact our office and we can discuss the options with you.
Without Van der Hoeden|Mulder being able to guarantee the quality of the services provided and without guarantee that mediation by such a debt counselor will always lead to a solution, it can generally be stated that members of the NVVK institutions are in any case a reliable party. The link below will take you to the NVVK website. On it you can see which bodies are affiliated with the NVVK. Click here to go to the NVVK website
On the 'Schuldenwijzer' website you can quickly and safely obtain an overview of the seizures on your income using your DigiD. Click here to visit the 'Schuldenwijzer' website.
On the website '' you can calculate and check your seizure-free rate yourself. Click here to visit the website.
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